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List billingAccount (Debt check)

This operation retrieves a BillingAccount entity and provides billing account details along with debt information based on customer identity or SSN or location Id.


client-idstringThe client-id identifying the channel. Minimum characters: 5Y
client-secretstringPassword associated with the client-id. Minimum characters: 5Y
Correlation-IDstringIdentifier that correlates HTTP request between a client and server.
Any identification model (UUDI, checksum, etc.) can be used, as long as it is a unique value to differentiate a transaction.
channeIdstringChannel to business:
default value: "ECOM".
lobstringThe Line of Business Identifier currently available are:
enum: ["FIXED", "PREPAID", "POSTPAID"]. Not in scope for PA
x-tax-identifierstringNeed to pass SSN in encrypted format example: "cUakaigzngOwnjhw8MK/HQ=="
Note: To fetch Account (debit check) details by SSN. This header is mandatory for PR Market only for SSN-based search only
M for PR market

Query Param

fieldsstringComma-separated properties to provide in response. Note: Not in ScopeN
identityTypestringIdentifier Type, “C” or “PP” for Costa Rica
C – Cedula
PP- passport
Note: it is optional query param as per design. it is Mandatory query param for PA, JM, CR as per code.
-Possible Identity types for Liberate JM are PP (passport), NI (National Id), OT (Other), SS (Driving L No), TR (TRN Number)
-Possible Identity types for Liberate PA are C -Cedula, PP-Pasaporte, SS-Seguro Social, V-Cuenta Vieja
- for B2B JM and PA , companies identityType can be AA (Articles of Association),BL(Trade/Business License), OT (Other) and CI(Certificate of Incorporation) and Not in scope for now.
-TR is the default identityType used in Cerillion(JM).
identityNumberstringCustomer identity document number like Cedula number
Note: it is optional query param as per design.it is Mandatory query param for PA, CR, JM as per code
balanceCheckBooleanFlag for customer account debt information. API will return customer accounts balance if this flag is true. Used in PA and JM market.N
locationIdstringNeed to pass customer location id example: "00913000000228"
Note: To fetch the account (debit check) details by location Id, this query param is mandatory for PR Market
M for PR market

Possible response success

Response for PR

From this operation we can fetch Auto Pay is enabled or disabled, auto pay date and day, Delinquency status, payment status and payment method EFT or Card

Note In the response if PaymentPlan.planType is AutoPay Enable, AutoPay Date can be dislpayed in the extended Characteristics else AutoPay Date cannot be displayed.

Debit Check based on SSN:

AutoPay Date Enable

        "id": "8211990010009223",
        "name": "TIVO APP TEST LIBERTY GO",
        "@type": "BillingAccount",
        "accountType": "RES",
        "state": "E",
        "paymentStatus": "E",
        "paymentPlan": [
                "planType": "Auto Pay Enable"
        "accountBalance": [
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": -135.33
                "balanceType": "AccountBalance",
                "validFor": {
                    "startDateTime": "2022-12-13T00:00:00.000Z",
                    "endDateTime": "2023-01-12T00:00:00.000Z"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "DelinquentBalance"
        "creditLimit": {
            "unit": "USD",
            "value": 100.00
        "contact": [
                "contactName": "TIVO APP TEST LIBERTY GO",
                "contactMedium": [
                        "mediumType": "Address",
                        "preferred": true,
                        "characteristic": {
                            "contactType": "BillingAddress",
                            "stateOrProvince": "PR",
                            "city": "SAN JUAN",
                            "street1": "279 AVE PONCE DE LEON",
                            "street2": "APT 8",
                            "postCode": "009171920"
                        "mediumType": "Phone",
                        "characteristic": {
                            "contactType": "Home",
                            "phoneNumber": "7879257001"
        "relatedParty": [
                "id": "1101520693636",
                "name": "TIVO APP TEST LIBERTY GO",
                "role": "Customer",
                "@referredType": "Individual"

       "characteristic": [
            "name": "autoPayDate",
            "value": "2023-01-07T00:00:00.000Z"
            "name": "DebitDay",
            "value": "03"
            "name": "CreditScore",
            "value": "A"
            "name": "LocationId",
            "value": "00917192000912"

AutoPay Date Disable

        "id": "8211990010009223",
        "name": "TIVO APP TEST LIBERTY GO",
        "@type": "BillingAccount",
        "accountType": "RES",
        "state": "E",
        "paymentStatus": "E",
        "paymentPlan": [
                "planType": "Auto Pay Disable"
        "accountBalance": [
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": -135.33
                "balanceType": "AccountBalance",
                "validFor": {
                    "startDateTime": "2022-12-13T00:00:00.000Z",
                    "endDateTime": "2023-01-12T00:00:00.000Z"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "DelinquentBalance"
        "creditLimit": {
            "unit": "USD",
            "value": 100.00
        "contact": [
                "contactName": "TIVO APP TEST LIBERTY GO",
                "contactMedium": [
                        "mediumType": "Address",
                        "preferred": true,
                        "characteristic": {
                            "contactType": "BillingAddress",
                            "stateOrProvince": "PR",
                            "city": "SAN JUAN",
                            "street1": "279 AVE PONCE DE LEON",
                            "street2": "APT 8",
                            "postCode": "009171920"
                        "mediumType": "Phone",
                        "characteristic": {
                            "contactType": "Home",
                            "phoneNumber": "7879257001"
        "relatedParty": [
                "id": "1101520693636",
                "name": "TIVO APP TEST LIBERTY GO",
                "role": "Customer",
                "@referredType": "Individual"
        "characteristic": [
            "name": "CreditScore",
            "value": "A"
            "name": "LocationId",
            "value": "00917192000912"

Debit Check based on Location ID:

        "id": "8211990010002467",
        "@type": "BillingAccount",
        "state": "NORMAL",
        "paymentStatus": "NORMAL",
        "accountType": "RES",
        "accountBalance": [
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "AccountBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "DelinquentBalance"
        "relatedParty": [
                "id": "1101519016245",
                "role": "Customer",
                "@referredType": "Individual"
        "characteristic": [
                "valueType": "string",
                "value": "913000000228",
                "name": "locationId"
        "id": "8211990010002517",
        "@type": "BillingAccount",
        "state": "NORMAL",
        "paymentStatus": "NORMAL",
        "accountType": "RES",
        "accountBalance": [
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "AccountBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "DelinquentBalance"
        "relatedParty": [
                "id": "1101519020833",
                "role": "Customer",
                "@referredType": "Individual"
        "characteristic": [
                "valueType": "string",
                "value": "913000000228",
                "name": "locationId"
        "id": "8211990010002616",
        "@type": "BillingAccount",
        "state": "NORMAL",
        "paymentStatus": "NORMAL",
        "accountType": "RES",
        "accountBalance": [
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "AccountBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "DelinquentBalance"
        "relatedParty": [
                "id": "1101519021658",
                "role": "Customer",
                "@referredType": "Individual"
        "characteristic": [
                "valueType": "string",
                "value": "913000000228",
                "name": "locationId"
        "id": "8211990010002681",
        "@type": "BillingAccount",
        "state": "NORMAL",
        "paymentStatus": "NORMAL",
        "accountType": "RES",
        "accountBalance": [
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "AccountBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "DelinquentBalance"
        "relatedParty": [
                "id": "1101519029354",
                "role": "Customer",
                "@referredType": "Individual"
        "characteristic": [
                "valueType": "string",
                "value": "913000000228",
                "name": "locationId"
        "id": "8211990010002749",
        "@type": "BillingAccount",
        "state": "NORMAL",
        "paymentStatus": "NORMAL",
        "accountType": "RES",
        "accountBalance": [
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "AccountBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "DelinquentBalance"
        "relatedParty": [
                "id": "1101519029594",
                "role": "Customer",
                "@referredType": "Individual"
        "characteristic": [
                "valueType": "string",
                "value": "913000000228",
                "name": "locationId"
        "id": "8211990010002921",
        "@type": "BillingAccount",
        "state": "NORMAL",
        "paymentStatus": "NORMAL",
        "accountType": "RES",
        "accountBalance": [
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "AccountBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "DelinquentBalance"
        "relatedParty": [
                "id": "1101519033869",
                "role": "Customer",
                "@referredType": "Individual"
        "characteristic": [
                "valueType": "string",
                "value": "913000000228",
                "name": "locationId"
        "id": "8211990010003069",
        "@type": "BillingAccount",
        "state": "NORMAL",
        "paymentStatus": "NORMAL",
        "accountType": "RES",
        "accountBalance": [
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "AccountBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "USD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "DelinquentBalance"
        "relatedParty": [
                "id": "1101519038223",
                "role": "Customer",
                "@referredType": "Individual"
        "characteristic": [
                "valueType": "string",
                "value": "913000000228",
                "name": "locationId"
Response for CR
        "id": "855651",
        "@type": "BillingAccount",
        "state": "Active",
        "accountBalance": [
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "CRC",
                    "value": 185346
                "balanceType": "CABLE TICA"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "CRC",
                    "value": 61377
                "balanceType": "INTERNET"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "CRC",
                    "value": 246723
                "balanceType": "AccountBalance"
        "contact": [
                "contactName": "YORLENI ALEJANDRA CASTILLO CORDERO",
                "contactMedium": [
                        "mediumType": "Address",
                        "characteristic": {
                            "contactType": "BillingAddress",
                            "stateOrProvince": "SAN JOSE",
                            "city": "SAN JOSE",
                            "street1": "HATILLO 8",
                            "street2": "HATILLO"
        "relatedParty": [
                "id": "1-101T72F",
                "role": "Customer",
                "@referredType": "Individual"

Request for JM

Response for JM Debt check using Identity. Fields which are part of this example are only in scope for JM Debt check response.

Liberate Response

        "id": "313908320000",
        "@type": "BillingAccount",
        "href": "https://esb.lla.com/tmf-api/accountManagement/v4/billingAccount/313908320000",
        "name": "MR Chevaughn Williams",
        "state": "A",
        "accountBalance": [
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "JMD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "TotalOutstandingBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "JMD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "OverdueBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "JMD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "WriteOffAmount"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "JMD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "LastPaymentAmount",
                "validFor": {
                    "endDateTime": "1858-11-17T12:00:00Z"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "JMD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "PaymentPlanBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "JMD",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "PaymentPlanAmount"
        "contact": [
                "contactName": "MR Chevaughn Williams",
                "contactMedium": [
                        "mediumType": "BillingAddress",
                        "characteristic": {
                            "street1": "514 Claremount Blvd,Old Harbour"
        "characteristic": [
                "name": "DateOfBirth",
                "value": "2001-06-09T12:00:00Z"
                "name": "Nationality",
                "value": ""
                "name": "BillingIndicator",
                "value": "Y"
        "paymentStatus": "Active"

Cerillion Response

        "id": "50465636",
        "href": "https://esb-dev.lla.com/tmf-api/accountManagement/v1/JM/billingAccount/50465636",
        "name": "KEREISHA STEWART",
        "state": "SN",
        "relatedParty": [
                "@referredType": "Customer",
                "id": "328115"
        "accountType": "RES",
        "billStructure": {
            "presentationMedia": [
                    "id": "E",
                    "name": "EMAIL"
        "contact": [
                "contactName": "MARCIA OATES",
                "contactType": "",
                "contactMedium": [
                        "mediumType": "BillingAddress",
                        "characteristic": {
                            "street2": "WARD AVENUE",
                            "city": "GREENVALE",
                            "stateOrProvince": "MANDEVILLE",
                            "country": "Jamaica",
                            "postCode": "00000"
                        "mediumType": "Telephone",
                        "characteristic": {
                            "contactType": "MOBILE_NO",
                            "phoneNumber": "8765731215"
                        "mediumType": "Email",
                        "characteristic": {
                            "emailAddress": "kereishastewart86@gmail.com"
                        "mediumType": "Alternative Email",
                        "characteristic": {
                            "emailAddress": "kereishastewart86@gmail.com"
        "accountBalance": [
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "JMD",
                    "value": 2400.0
                "balanceType": "LastPaymentAmount",
                "validFor": {
                    "endDateTime": "2021-10-11T00:00:00Z"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "JMD",
                    "value": -38.07
                "balanceType": "CurrentBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "JMD",
                    "value": 0.0
                "balanceType": "OverdueBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "JMD",
                    "value": 0.0
                "balanceType": "TotalOutstandingBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "JMD",
                    "value": -38.07
                "balanceType": "LastBillAmount",
                "validFor": {
                    "endDateTime": "2022-03-08T00:00:00Z"
        "paymentStatus": "Active"
        "id": "50034365",
        "href": "https://esb-dev.lla.com/tmf-api/accountManagement/v1/JM/billingAccount/50034365",
        "name": "KEREISHA STEWART",
        "state": "SW",
        "relatedParty": [
                "@referredType": "Customer",
                "id": "328115"
        "accountType": "RES",
        "billStructure": {
            "presentationMedia": [
                    "id": "N",
                    "name": "NOBILLAUTO"
        "contact": [
                "contactName": "KEREISHA STEWART",
                "contactType": "primary",
                "contactMedium": [
                        "mediumType": "BillingAddress",
                        "characteristic": {
                            "street2": "FISHER ROAD",
                            "stateOrProvince": "MANDEVILLE",
                            "country": "Jamaica",
                            "postCode": "00000"
                        "mediumType": "Telephone",
                        "characteristic": {
                            "contactType": "HOME",
                            "phoneNumber": "5617353"
                        "mediumType": "Email",
                        "characteristic": {
                            "emailAddress": "kereishastewart86@gmail.com"
                        "mediumType": "Alternative Email",
                        "characteristic": {
                            "emailAddress": "kereishastewart86@gmail.com"
        "accountBalance": [
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "JMD",
                    "value": 10542.0
                "balanceType": "LastPaymentAmount",
                "validFor": {
                    "endDateTime": "2014-04-16T00:00:00Z"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "JMD",
                    "value": 0.0
                "balanceType": "CurrentBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "JMD",
                    "value": 0.0
                "balanceType": "OverdueBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "JMD",
                    "value": 0.0
                "balanceType": "TotalOutstandingBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "JMD",
                    "value": 0.0
                "balanceType": "LastBillAmount",
                "validFor": {
                    "endDateTime": "2014-10-28T00:00:00Z"
        "paymentStatus": "Active"

Request for PA

Response for PA Debt check using Identity. Fields which are part of this example are only in scope for PA Debt check response.
        "id": "101000130000",
        "@type": "BillingAccount",
        "href": "https://host:port/telco-api/accountManagement/v4/account/101000130000",
        "name": "Jessica Lizbeth Navarro Polo",
        "state": "W",
        "accountBalance": [
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "PAB",
                    "value": 5.97
                "balanceType": "TotalOutstandingBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "PAB",
                    "value": 5.97
                "balanceType": "OverdueBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "PAB",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "WriteOffAmount"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "PAB",
                    "value": 23.40
                "balanceType": "LastPaymentAmount",
                "validFor": {
                    "endDateTime": "2005-09-10T12:12:41Z"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "PAB",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "PaymentPlanBalance"
                "amount": {
                    "unit": "PAB",
                    "value": 0.00
                "balanceType": "PaymentPlanAmount"
        "contact": [
                "contactName": "Jessica Lizbeth Navarro Polo",
                "contactMedium": [
                        "mediumType": "BillingAddress",
                        "characteristic": {
                            "street1": "PANAMA TOCUMEN,URB PARQUE REAL AVE SAN MARINO,CASA C 11"
        "characteristic": [
                "name": "DateOfBirth",
                "value": "1975-12-03T12:00:00Z"
                "name": "Nationality",
                "value": "PANA"
                "name": "BillingIndicator",
                "value": "Y"
        "paymentStatus": "Inarrears"

Request for PA


Response for PA when balanceCheck is false

        "id": "101000130000",
        "href": "https://host:port/telco-api/accountManagement/v4/account/101000130000",
        "name": "Jessica Lizbeth Navarro Polo",
        "state": "W",
        "@type": "BillingAccount"

Each of the response parameters are detailed.

Field nameDatatypedescriptionrequired
idstringUnique identifier of the accountN
hrefstringUnique reference of the accountN
accountTypestringA categorization of an account, such as individual, joint, and so forth, whose instances share some of the same characteristics. Note: for flexibility we use a String here but an implementation may use an enumeration with a limited list of valid valuesN
descriptionstringDetailed description of the party accountN
lastModifieddatetimeDate of last modification of the accountN
namestringName of the accountN
paymentStatusstringThe condition of the account, such as due, paid, Inarrears, ActiveN
ratingTypestringIndicates whether the account follows a specific payment option such as prepaid or postpaidN
statestringContains the lifecycle state such as: Active, Closed, Suspended and so on. Possible values are W – working C – Ceased A – Allocated D - Default E – WrittenOff F - Closed. For cerillion, common values are SN (status normal), SW (Written Off), SF (status final)N
accountBalanceobject ArrayBalances linked to the accountN
accountBalance.balanceTypestringType of the balance ; deposit balance, disputed balance, loyalty balance, receivable balance. For JM Market, possible balanceTypes are TotalOutstandingBalance, OverdueBalance, WriteOffAmount, LastPaymentAmount, PaymentPlanBalance, PaymentPlanAmount for Liberate and for cerillion, LastPaymentAmount, OverdueBalance, CurrentBalance and LastBillAmountN
accountBalance.amountobjectBalance amountN
accountBalance.amount.unitstringCurrency (ISO4217 norm uses 3 letters to define the currency)N
accountBalance.amount.valuenumber, floatA positive floating point numberN
accountBalance.validForobject'A period of time, either as a deadline (endDateTime only) a startDateTime only, or bothN
accountBalance.validFor.endDateTimedatetimeEnd of the time period, using IETC-RFC-3339 formatN
accountBalance.validFor.startDateTimedatetimeStart of the time period, using IETC-RFC-3339 format. NA for JM.N
accountBalance.@baseTypestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-classN
accountBalance.@schemaLocationstringA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationshipsN
accountBalance.@typestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity nameN
accountRelationshipobject ArraySignificant connection between accounts. For instance an aggregating account for a list of shop branches each having its own billing accountN
accountRelationship.relationshipTypestringType of relationship.N
accountRelationship.accountobject.An account may be a party account or a financial account.N
accountRelationship.account.idstringUnique identifier Id of the EntityDescriptionRef.N
accountRelationship.account.hrefstringUnique reference of the EntityDescriptionRefN
accountRelationship.account.descriptionstringDetailed description of the EntityDescriptionRefN
accountRelationship.account.namestringName of the account.N
accountRelationship.account.@baseTypestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-classN
accountRelationship.account.@schemaLocationstringA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationshipsN
accountRelationship.account.@typestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity nameN
accountRelationship.account.@referredTypestringThe actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguationN
accountRelationship.validForaccountBalance.validFor'A period of time, either as a deadline (endDateTime only) a startDateTime only, or bothN
accountRelationship.@baseTypestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-classN
accountRelationship.@schemaLocationstringA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationshipsN
accountRelationship.@typestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity nameN
billStructureobjectThe structure of the bill for party accounts (billing or settlement).N
billStructure.cycleSpecificationobjectAn attachment by value or by reference.N
billStructure.cycleSpecification.idstringUnique identifier of the billing cycle specificationN
billStructure.cycleSpecification.hrefstringReference of the billing cycle specificationN
billStructure.cycleSpecification.billingDateShiftintegerAn offset of a billing/settlement date. The offset is expressed as number of days with regard to the start of the billing/settlement period.N
billStructure.cycleSpecification.billingPeriodstringA billing time period. It can be recurring, for example: week, month, quarter of year, year .N
billStructure.cycleSpecification.chargeDateOffsetintegerAn offset of a date through which charges previously received by the billing system will appear on the bill. The offset is expressed as number of days with regard to the start of the BillingPeriodN
billStructure.cycleSpecification.creditDateOffsetintegerAn offset of a date through which charges previously received by the billing system will appear on the bill. The offset is expressed as number of days with regard to the start of the BillingPeriodN
billStructure.cycleSpecification.dateShiftintegerAn offset of a billing/settlement date. The offset is expressed as number of days with regard to the start of the billing/settlement period.N
billStructure.cycleSpecification.descriptionstringAn explanation regarding this billing cycle specificationN
billStructure.cycleSpecification.frequencystringFrequency of the billing cycle (monthly for instance)N
billStructure.cycleSpecification.mailingDateOffsetintegerAn offset of a customer bill mailing date. The offset is expressed as number of days with regard to the start of the BillingPeriod.N
billStructure.cycleSpecification.namestringA short descriptive nameN
billStructure.cycleSpecification.paymentDueDateOffsetintegerAn offset of a payment due date. The offset is expressed as number of days with regard to the start of the BillingPeriod.N
billStructure.cycleSpecification.@baseTypestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-classN
billStructure.cycleSpecification.@schemaLocationstringA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationshipsN
billStructure.cycleSpecification.@typestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity nameN
billStructure.cycleSpecification.@referredTypestringThe actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguationN
billStructure.formataccountRelationship.accountAn attachment by value or by reference.N
billStructure.presentationMediaaccountRelationship.accountA list of bill presentation media ref or valuesN
billStructure.@baseTypestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-classN
billStructure.@schemaLocationstringA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationshipsN
billStructure.@typestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity nameN
contactobject ArrayAn individual or an organization used as a contact point for a given account and accessed via some contact medium.N
contact.contactNamestringA displayable name for that contactN
contact.contactTypestringType of contact (primary, secondary...)N
contact.partyRoleTypestringIdentifies what kind of party role type is linked to the contact (a account manager...). NA for JMN
contact.contactMediumArrayIndicates the contact medium that could be used to contact the party.N
contact.contactMedium.mediumTypestringType of the contact medium, such as: email address, telephone number, postal address, BillingAddressN
contact.contactMedium.preferredbooleanIf true, indicates that is the preferred contact medium. NA for JMN
contact.contactMedium.characteristicobjectAny additional characteristic(s) of this contact mediumN
contact.contactMedium.characteristic.contactTypestringThe type of contact, for example; phone number such as mobile, fixed home, fixed office. postal address such as shipping installationN
contact.contactMedium.characteristic.emailAddressstringFull email address in standard formatN
contact.contactMedium.characteristic.faxNumberstringThe fax number of the contactN
contact.contactMedium.characteristic.phoneNumberstringThe primary phone number of the contactN
contact.contactMedium.characteristic.socialNetworkIdstringIdentifier as a member of a social networkN
contact.contactMedium.characteristic.stateOrProvincestringState or provinceN
contact.contactMedium.characteristic.street1stringDescribes the street. For liberate, It will be the Address(Separated by comma).N
contact.contactMedium.characteristic.street2stringComplementary street descriptionN
contact.contactMedium.characteristic.@baseTypestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-classN
contact.contactMedium.characteristic.@schemaLocationstringA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationshipsN
contact.contactMedium.characteristic.@typestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity nameN
contact.contactMedium.@baseTypestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-classN
contact.contactMedium.@schemaLocationstringA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationshipsN
contact.contactMedium.@typestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity nameN
contact.@baseTypestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-classN
contact.@schemaLocationstringA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationshipsN
contact.@typestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity nameN
creditLimitobjectThe maximum amount of money that may be charged on an accountN
defaultPaymentMethod.idstringUnique identifier Id of the EntityRef.N
defaultPaymentMethod.hrefstringUnique reference of the EntityRefN
defaultPaymentMethod.namestringName of the EntityRef.N
defaultPaymentMethod.@baseTypestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-classN
defaultPaymentMethod@schemaLocationstringA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationshipsN
defaultPaymentMethod.@typestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity nameN
defaultPaymentMethod.@referredTypestringThe actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguationN
financialAccountobjectAccountReceivable reference. An account of money owed by a party to another entity in exchange for goods or services that have been delivered or used. An account receivable aggregates the amounts of one or more party accounts (billing or settlement) owned by a given party.N
financialAccount.idstringUnique identifier Id of the EntityRef.N
financialAccount.hrefstringUnique reference of the EntityRefN
financialAccount.namestringName of the EntityRef.N
financialAccount.@baseTypestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-classN
financialAccount@schemaLocationstringA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationshipsN
financialAccount.@typestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity nameN
financialAccount.@referredTypestringThe actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguationN
paymentPlanobject ArrayDefines a plan for payment (when a party wants to spread his payments)N
paymentPlan.numberOfPaymentsintegerNumber of payments used to spread the global paymentN
paymentPlan.paymentFrequencystringFrequency of the payments, such as monthly and bimonthlyN
paymentPlan.planTypestringType of payment planN
paymentPlan.priorityintegerPriority of the payment planN
paymentPlan.statusstringStatus of the payment plan (effective, ineffective)N
paymentPlan.totalAmountaccountBalance.amountAmount paidN
paymentPlan.@baseTypestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-classN
paymentPlan.@schemaLocationstringA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationshipsN
paymentPlan.@typestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity nameN
characteristicobject ArrayDescribes a given characteristic of an object or entity through a name/value pair.N
characteristic.namestringName of the characteristic. "DelinquencyDays" and "DunningGroup" are added as characteristics name/value pair. For Liberate- DateOfBirth, Nationality, BillingIndicator(Billable account or not) are the possible values.N
characteristic.valueTypestringData type of the value of the characteristicN
characteristic.valueanyThe value of the characteristicN
characteristic.@baseTypestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-classN
characteristic.@schemaLocationstringA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationshipsN
characteristic.@typestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity nameN
relatedPartyobject ArrayN
relatedParty.idstringUnique identifier Id of the EntityRef.N
relatedParty.hrefstringUnique reference of the EntityRefN
relatedParty.namestringName of the EntityRef.N
relatedParty.rolerole played by the related partyN
relatedParty.@baseTypestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-classN
relatedParty@schemaLocationstringA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationshipsN
relatedParty.@typestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity nameN
relatedParty.@referredTypestringThe actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguationN
taxExemptionobject ArrayProof of freedom from taxes imposed by a taxing jurisdiction.N
taxExemption.certificateNumberstringIdentifier of a document that shows proof of exemption from taxes for the taxing jurisdiction.N
taxExemption.issuingJurisdictionstringName of the taxing jurisdiction for which taxes are exempt.N
taxExemption.reasonstringReason of the tax exemptionN
taxExemption.@baseTypestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-classN
taxExemption.@schemaLocationstringA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationshipsN
taxExemption.@typestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity nameN
@baseTypestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the super-classN
@schemaLocationstringA URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationshipsN
@typestringWhen sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name. Type of this resource is: "BillingAccount"N
